LGDtoolkit 0.2.1

  1. Heterogeneity testing: in the test results p2 and p1 were swapped. This: tr <- ifelse(p.val >= alpha, paste0("H0: LOSS(", p1, ") ", h0, " LOSS(", p2, ")"), paste0("H1: LOSS(", p1, ") ", h1, " LOSS(", p2, ")")) is replaced with this: tr <- ifelse(p.val >= alpha, paste0("H0: LOSS(", p2, ") ", h0, " LOSS(", p1, ")"), paste0("H1: LOSS(", p2, ") ", h1, " LOSS(", p1, ")"))

LGDtoolkit 0.2.0 (2023-05-30)

  1. Internal function summary.tbl renamed as summ.tbl to avoid S3 conflict
  2. New functions:

LGDtoolkit 0.1.0 (2023-03-08)

  1. stepFWD and stepRPC help page improved
  2. stepFWD - bug fixed (p-value indexing in the stepwise iterations)